The wonderful world of Jonathan Handiman

Posts tagged ‘Politics’


United States Flag

God bless America.

God bless you for the Buffalo, the Indian, the Deer.
God bless you for Mc Donald’s, and for Budweiser beer.
God bless your puppet presidents, your foreign policy
Your need for oil, your greed for gold, your land of the free.

God bless you for Vietnam.
God bless you for Iraq.
God bless you for Afghanistan.
God bless your blue on blue attack.
God bless you for Al Qaeda.
God bless your Bible belted fear.
God bless your paranoia that increases year by year.
God bless your Dollar that keeps other nations poor.
God bless the prejudice that still thrives upon your shore.
God bless your contribution to the pollution of this world.
God bless the stars and stripes.

Please…..keep them tightly furled!

Jonathan Handiman 2010. All rights reserved.

Its not funny anymore!

Stupidity Pandemic Update.

Remedy discovered!

An effective remedy has been developed to treat the effects of the insidious Plague of Stupidity that is sweeping the planet.
In recent clinical trials the vaccine proved 100% successful in eradicating Stupidity from the Icelandic population. (See following article)

The vaccine has been developed from a mixture of: Common Sense and Moral Values. Combined with equal proportions of: Rational Thinking, Awareness, Courage and Conviction.

It is important to ensure that you and your family are immunised.

The Stupidity Virus can lie dormant for generations and surface suddenly in adulthood affecting seemingly intelligent and rational people. The Virus can affect everyone regardless of intellectual capacity or status.
In a recent survey conducted by Icelandic psychologists it was proved that the disease is more pronounced and prevalent in people who hold positions of power and public office, or hold positions of responsibility. IE Managers, Corporate boards of directors, Politicians, Public Servants, and Bankers etc.

Obvious symptoms:

Look out for these symptoms in people you know, and alert them as soon as possible.

Speaking corporate gibberish.
Habitually buying into the latest fashion or craze.
Believing that global homogenisation is a good thing.
Believing capitalist structures are beneficial to the earth and the environment.
Also look out for signs of:
Selfish behaviour, hoarding, callousness, bullying, habitual lying, believing TV represents reality.

Vaccines are freely available from:

Medicines sans Frontiers. Amnesty org. Greenpeace international. Green cross international,
Eco-Philosophy org. The Sanctuary Network. And all ‘caring’ organisations worldwide.

Join us today for your free vaccination against Global Stupidity, and see the following  instructional video, courtesy of the people of Iceland.

Have YOU seen the Light?


 Sorry, That I have neglected the blog.

I have been away for a while, moving house, and taking care of practical matters.

I also had a little talk with myself and with life, the results of which I would like to share with you.

During my time out, I stood for a while on the top of a mountain on a clear day, and from this vantage-point, I started to see a few things going on around the world.

It became apparent from up there, that people are becoming more and more dissatisfied with life, and with the established ideologies of our societies.

People are looking for new ways of living, and new ethics to live by. They are tired of the merry-go-round of current politics, old traditional religions, and our short sighted modern consumer society. I found myself looking down on a fragmented world, separated by a fragmented world view.

From up on the mountain I could also see a restlessness in the world. In India, the Hindu tradition believes that we are entering a new Epoch, the epoch of Surya Yuga (The epoch of the sun) the epoch of light! Then there is all this fuss about the Maya and their predictions of a major catastrophe in 2012 that will bring about huge changes. We have also just had the Super Moon and planetary alignments, that are supposed to herald a new era. And all of these things are pointing to new beginnings. If we add to these the general unrest in the world, the Arab spring etc. then we can see that change is on its way! The question is: do we want Positive or Negative change?

So I looked a little further, and saw that: Because we are divided by so many Political, Religious and Geographic boundaries, we need to find a “Common ground” between all of humanity before we can possibly hope to move towards a peaceful coexistence and a new way of living on this planet.

If we want to change, then we need to work together to bring about changes that will last and benefit us all in the future.

So I looked again, and from where I stood: I could see that slowly we are making progress.

We now have this amazing technology that I have here on my lap, to communicate with each other.

We have a common desire to live in peace.. We have the same needs and hopes.. And slowly we are seeing the world and our lives in a different light…



The only thing that seems to be lacking to unify this fragmented world, is a common Belief.

Or a common philosophy which is acceptable to us all.

So I thought: Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all “see the light”, through the same eyes?

And when I came down to civilisation again, I met a friend who had been thinking very deeply about this problem, and he suggested to me that “Light” is in fact the answer!

What has light got to do with Politics or Religion, or how we live”, you might well ask?

Well, light has everything to do with it!

You see, as my friend explained….. Light is the source of all life. From simple biological organisms right up to the most complex forms of life like us human beings, without light, life would not exist!

We” would not exist, and everything that we do, or believe in, would cease to exist. Therefore it naturally follows that: Light is the common denominator of all life in the universe, including the human race! Including Me and You, because it is the source of our lives!

So here lies the basis of our common ground! “LIGHT”

Once you can get your head around the fact that LIGHT is the source of all life, and the fact that: you and I only exist because of LIGHT, then you will begin to realise the full significance of LIGHT. Light is the Creator and Sustainer of all Living things.

You will not only see your life from a different perspective, but you will also begin to understand that: All of life is sacred, not just the lives of human beings! Because all of life is created and sustained by “Light” and is therefore interconnected by light!

And how would this affect our Political, Or religious beliefs?

Well, it would give us a new start point, a common ground for humanity, from which to reassess our beliefs and our Ideals, and from there we would be able to construct a new set of Ethics, based upon the needs of humanity, and the natural world that we depend upon for our existence. All of which is interconnected through LIGHT. Of course there will be sceptics and scoffers. But remember that “scoffing comes not from wisdom” and even the most ardent sceptics have to concede to the truth, and it is an undeniable and true fact, that life is created by LIGHT.

So if this seems too simple and obvious, or quite implausible, then I would suggest that you look out for my friends books on this subject., his name is: Henryk Skolimowski, and his Books are available from Amazon…

Let there be light”: The mysterious journey of cosmic creativity. Wisdom tree.2010

World as Sanctuary”: Creative fire Press 2010

The Lotus and the Mud” Creative fire press 2011


Or, you could always take a walk up a mountain and see the LIGHT for yourself, like I did!