The wonderful world of Jonathan Handiman

Posts tagged ‘atomic’

Just in the nick of time!


I have never known my cat to be late!
Nor, for that matter: Birds, Butterflies, Fish, or other creatures!
Trees are never late! They are always in their appointed place at the appointed time.
It’s also noticeable that: The Sun rises and sets with unerring accuracy,
And has never, (as far as I am aware), taken a day off, even when it’s raining.
The Moon of course is famous for its orbital regularity
Keeping tightly to its schedules of nightly waxing/waning.

Ocean waves break onto timely shores, at their designated moment,
Not one nanosecond after, or one minute premature.
The punctuality of flowers signals Bees to be prompt.
And unselfishly, prevailing weather `prevails` whether or not.
Even solid stubborn rocks don’t erode, after or before.
The universe, for reasons known only to itself,
Has always been, and it still is, and will be for evermore.

But now we have the Atomic Clock! Accurate to the Nth!
Another scientific miracle, another expensive gadget!
And the TV announcer, Announces: `The leap second`
For purposes of; Blah, blah, blah.
Earth-shattered by this news, and obviously in shock
My cat stretches, yawns, and goes back to sleep
Dreaming: Hickory, Dickory, Dock.